
Don’t just take my word for it, I’m not a doctor or a scientist. This is why I am providing a list of books, websites, and films that I have read or watched myself to learn about healthy plant-based living. I’m a big sceptic, so there is no quackery here. Everything on this page is backed up by research. I invite you to investigate for yourself. I will continue to add resources as I think of them or come across new ones.

Forks Over Knives
This documentary is available on Netflix or on DVD from their website. It’s a great place to start. You will get an overview of how a plant-based diet can improve your health, and many of the doctors I have listed below are featured in the film.

What the Health
Choosing a plant-based diet can lead to better health and less medications, so why aren’t most doctors promoting that over drugs? An eye opening, investigative documentary about how big business influences the health of our nation.

The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell
This study is referenced in just about everything else I’m providing. People who eat a plant-based diet simply don’t get the big diseases of our Standard American Diet, also known by the acronym SAD. Heart disease, cancer, and type two diabetes don’t have to happen, and are not naturally occurring among people who eat plant-based. (Yes, there are environmental factors, such as exposure to certain toxins, but in general, these diseases are caused by diet.)

Eat to Live and other books by Dr, Joel Fuhrman
I read this book back in 2003, the first time I went plant-based. I did it sort of, but back then, for some reason, I just didn’t believe he really meant “no oil.” I ate his way on and off, except for the oil. I had cut back, but not cut it out. There is good reason for no oil, and he and other doctors who are on this list can tell you why in depth. It finally sunk in to my stubborn head and I do not eat oil anymore.

Dr. John McDougall
He believes so strongly in his program that he gives it away for free on his website. Of course you can read any of his books for a more in-depth look, but here is a great place to start if you want to follow a program that works for weight loss and health. He recommends a starch-based protocol, which is tough for low-carbers to embrace. But in reality, our bodies are meant to use starch for fuel. The diet I eat mostly resembles his recommendations. I eat about 50-75% carbs on a daily basis. (YUP, that’s how I lost 50 lbs.)

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
I read his book “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” last summer. This was what solidified my commitment to give up eating oil. His book explains in depth why you should not consume oil, and finally drove home to me that I needed to stop. He sums it up on his website:

NO OIL! Not even olive oil, which goes against a lot of other advice out there about so-called good fats. The reality is that oils are extremely low in terms of nutritive value. They contain no fiber, no minerals and are 100% fat calories. Both the mono unsaturated and saturated fat contained in oils is harmful to the endothelium, the innermost lining of the artery, and that injury is the gateway to vascular disease. It doesn’t matter whether it’s olive oil, corn oil, coconut oil, canola oil, or any other kind. Avoid ALL oil.

Here is a great page on how to cook without oil from Straight Up Foods.

Rip Esselstyn
This is the son of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. He is a firefighter that convinced his whole engine company to go plant-based. His book, “The Engine 2 Diet” tells the story and outlines an eating and fitness plan that shows how athletic men and women can excel on a plant-based diet.

Dr. Neal Barnard’s Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
This website is a great resource and I have read some of Dr. Barnard’s books. I think what they are doing is great. Hopefully more doctors will gravitate to this philosophy. There’s lots of information here about how to become plant-based.

Dr. Michael Greger’s Nutrition Facts
He’s a researching M.D. who provides a wealth of information on nutrition. There are lots of videos with transcripts on all kinds of nutrition topics. He has a new book out called “How Not to Die,” which I haven’t read yet, but it’s on my list.

Dr. Dean Ornish
I first heard of him back in maybe early 2000s. I was originally attracted by the title of his book, “Eat More, Weigh Less.” Who wants to do that? Everyone. When you eat plant-based, you can. Dr. Ornish takes a holistic approach, incorporating social and spiritual wellbeing into his lifestyle medicine.

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